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They Yellow Project es nuestro programa de asistencia de alquiler e hipoteca para los residentes del condado de Gallatin. Estamos orgullosos de ofrecer este programa en todas las etapas demográficas y de la vida. 

Lleva el nombre de la canción "Yellow" de Coldplay. El cantante principal Chris Martin dijo que la canción trata sobre la devoción a alguien, no necesariamente una devoción romántica, pero podría ser un amor fraternal o fraternal. Estamos dedicados a servir a los demás en este programa y en todo lo que hacemos.

The Yellow Project
Modern yellow front door with stainless steel handle and glass..jpg

 We aim to separate our understanding of "affordable housing" from the unfortunate stigma that is often attached to it.  Our goal, in time, is to build housing units deserving of the word "affordable." These will be units built with quality resources and care. We are serious in our intentions to establish "exceptional affordable housing". We are serious about:

  • Restoring dignity without sacrificing quality or burdening budgets. 

  • Our conversations with the community about the most efficient distribution of public housing dollars. 

Glocal is hard at work each day turning this vision into a reality. Our whole community will benefit through the prioritization of exceptional, affordable housing. While our efforts are currently focused on Gallatin County, our vision is to take affordable housing throughout the world. 

Exceptional & Affordable Housing
If you're not a local, git on outta here. Go on, git.-2.png

 It is our experience that "served people serve others." Glocal cultivates relationships as our skills, passions, and insights are combined with the skills, passions, and insights of other community members. Glocal asks all clients in one of our housing programs to take part in this initiative. Practically, this may include:

  • Quilting blankets for those experiencing great physical need. 

  • Hosting free cooking classes.

  • Picking up litter to keep our state looking beautiful.


Glocal will provide the financial means for our community members to serve others while simultaneously employing their skills and talents. As the Initiative grows, our desire is to invite members of the Gallatin County community at large to participate. Authentic relationships are established on the principle of mutuality. Each person has something to give and something to receive. 

Supportive Community Initiative
Diverse Group of People Picking Up Trash in The Park Volunteer Community Service.jpg
The Lighthouse Program
man sitting on sofa_edited.jpg

The Lighthouse Program will provide funds to be accessed by Glocal housing clients and nonprofit employees currently living and working in Gallatin County, MT for counseling/therapy.  Many individuals who serve vocationally as social service providers across our county have experienced secondary trauma while at work. Access to counseling and other therapeutic options is essential for those serving in these fields yet is often met with financial hurdles.   Glocal is a champion for mental and emotional health. Beginning with our clients, this fund will  grow to provide care for non-profit staff members across Gallatin County. 

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